Thursday, July 30, 2009

How rising gas prices have increased their daily lives

Here's my thought about rising gas prices.

Yesterday, I took a gas happen whenever I'm on my way to work and noted that a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $ 4.21. This was $ 4.10 the day before, and $ 4.10 from $ 3.99 the previous day. And while the other gas in the region do not seem to raise their prices so quickly, they are all about $ 4.00 per gallon, and it seems no end in sight to the increases.

As a rescuer by nature (some might call me cheap kate) I am angry and began to think in ways that could, with the continuing rise in gas prices. (Quit my job and at home are not viable options.) So, here are some solutions that I came with:


1. I will be slower when driving. Although I'm nuts to go from 55 to 60 miles per hour on highways, I have found through experience that travel at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour really helps conserve fuel.

2. I no longer have to keep one foot while driving. I slowly and steadily to accelerate when I see a green light when he or I turn to go to a stop sign. I also cruise stops suddenly without brakes or sporadic. Numerous studies in driving habits have shown that these changes will save gas.

3. I'm not going to willy-bad than good about the city. Whenever I need an errand, I want to take the most direct route, and if I need other stops along the way, I will plan the most effective way to make everyone, so "m not wasting gas.

4. I will fill my tank late at night or early morning or when the outside temperature is cooler. Just yesterday I was a message I called attention to the fact that gas expands when the temperature is hot, so when the driver makes the fuel in his vehicle in the middle of a hot day, which actually less gas for the dollar. It is better to fill the tank when the weather is cold. (The oil companies know but do not want that knowledge to the public, because, God forbid, the consumer can begin to shout their politicians to do something unethical about this price gouging.)

5. I carpool as much as possible. In this way, the cost of travel of the face extends to every carpool where to go. (There are some wonderful rideshare programs via the Internet to address this. Just google "rides" and see for yourself)

6. I will use public transport as much as possible. I have already started on plans for bus and train, to see if you have to work during the week and the operation of the practice on the weekends.

7. I no longer use the drive-through fast food restaurants. All gas wasted by sitting and standing idle, waiting for me to really be saved by parking, turning off the ignition, and enter the restaurant to order. (Not to mention, I am always a bit of practice with my body instead of my car.)

8. I will get rid of excess weight by cleaning up my trunk. Pounds in the trunk is less miles per gallon. And if I do not have a rack on top of my vehicle if I did, I would get rid of him.

9. I will go where I go, whenever possible. This not only saves gas in my car, but it helps me a little more exercise.

Keep my vehicle

1. I will make sure my tire pressure is always to the manufacturer's recommendations. The correct tire pressure saves fuel.

2. I go to some of my fuel system is clean (my mechanic to get the Gunk off), so my gas is used efficiently.

With this "decision" to drive a vehicle and is concerned about the price at the pump, should be an increase in gasoline. If not, then maybe it's time, a motorcycle or scooter. I heard that Honda and Yamaha, some big gas savings.

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